- June 27 - July 1st
- Lisbon, Portugal
United Nations Ocean Conference
The 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference took place in Lisbon, Portugal, from June 27th-July 1st. The theme of the conference was ‘Scaling up Ocean Action Based on Science and Innovation for the Implementation of Goal 14: Stocktaking, Partnerships and Solutions’. Co-hosted by the governments of Portugal and Kenya, the conference took place within the UN Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030) – which seeks to promote understanding of the ocean and investment in science for sustainable management of ocean resources.
The SARGADOM project is highly relevant to target 14.c of Sustainable Development Goal 14 – Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law as reflected in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of “The future we want.”
Representatives from MarViva, the Sargasso Sea Commission, the University of Brest, and the French Biodiversity Agency and other supporters and partners of the project were present at the conference.
SARGADOM commitment
Action registered at UN DESA
SARGADOM written inputs for interactive dialogue 7 “Enhancing the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”
Thermal Dome
Respectfully, we offer our support to the governments to collaborate with the High Ambition Coalition on BBNJ launched at the One Ocean Summit on the establishment of a technical group dedicated to study and develop management proposals for the Thermal Dome. We understand the complexity of its management and we would like to support the process to create the possible scenarios for a sustainable governance of this important site in the High Seas. In doing so, we pursue to contribute to the discussions about the elements of the UN negotiations on BBNJ and inform on possible implementation models for regional and global coordination.Sargasso Sea
The Sargasso Sea Commission has been described as a new paradigm for high seas governance. In this Ocean Decade, we invite more governments to become stewards of this iconic high seas area, and to become pioneers of high seas conservation in general by becoming signatories to the Hamilton Declaration. As the high seas are the concern of everyone, we encourage participation from around the world – not just from governments adjacent to the Sargasso Sea.3 main actions were held during the event

Haydée Rodríguez-Romero at the “Ocean governance & marine microbiome: a science to policy dialogue” side event
Side event organized by Tara Foundation. Policy experts, governments representatives and scientists were invited to explore some key issues bridging science and current policy processes.

Tagus River breakfast meeting for SARGADOM project
In order to create a space for meeting, dialogue and declarations about Sargasso Sea and Thermal Dome, the SARGADOM team organized a one hour and a half boat trip on the Tage river on June 29. The event brought together the SARGADOM project partners: The Sargasso Sea Commission, MarViva, the University of Brest, and the French Biodiversity Agency, as well as friends of the project.

SOI side event at UNOC 2022
Denis Bailly at the “The Sustainable Ocean Initiative: Celebrating over 10 years of building capacity and catalyzing partnerships towards achieving global ocean goals” side event